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Enneagram type 8

Enneagram type 8 is generally referred to as the protectors. Moreover, they're highly assertive and can be self-confident. A lot more, their commanding presence is why is them stand out in the crowd. They are more into accepting challenges and can debate on just about any topic. Furthermore, enneagram 8 can make an elaborate decision even under pressure. Type 8 are highly independent and do in contrast to being controlled by others. However, they start showing signs of independence from the original stage. Enneagram type 8 personality traits They possess several personality traits that distinguish them from other 8 enneagram types. Let's observe they're distinctive from other types: Basic fear The major fear that the enneagram type 8 goes through is worries of being controlled. They wait only to control themselves and to not be controlled by others. However, they don't feel like encountering situations where they will don't have any control. Basic desire Enneagram ...

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